3D chromatin remodeling: implications for fertility and evolution
Aurora Ruiz-Herrera, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin
Evolution of 3D chromatin folding across time-scales and cell types
Studies examining the evolution of genomes have been mainly focused on sequence conservation. However, the inner working of a cell implies a tightly regulated crosstalk between complex gene networks, controlled by small dispersed regulatory elements of physically contacting DNA regions. How these different levels of chromatin organization crosstalk in different species underpins the potential for genome evolutionary plasticity. It is my intention to provide an overview on the evolution of chromatin organization across species. I will discuss on general aspects of the mode and tempo of genome evolution to later explore the multiple layers of genome organization.
We propose that both genome and chromosome size modulate patterns of chromatin folding and that chromatin interactions facilitate the formation of lineage-specific chromosomal reorganizations, especially in germ cells. Overall, analyzing the mechanistic forces involved in the maintenance of chromatin structure and function of germ line is critical for understanding genome evolution, maintenance, and inheritance.