TESS - Ecological trajectories and society
01/01/0001 -
The research team Ecological TrajectorieS & Society (TESS) studies the interactions between ecological processes and the organization of human societies within social-ecological systems (SES). Our approaches are interdisciplinary, ranging from classical methods in ecology, to methods used in anthropology and economics.
Head :
Samuel Roturier (AgroParisTech)
Head :
Samuel Roturier (AgroParisTech)
The research team Ecological TrajectorieS & Society (TESS) studies the interactions between ecological processes and the organization of human societies within social-ecological systems (SES). Our approaches are interdisciplinary, ranging from classical methods in ecology, to methods used in anthropology and economics.
In general, we are interested in the study of the emergence of complexity in SESs. Our objectives are to understand and foresee the dynamics of ecosystem management and the governance of SESs, specially focusing in their capacity of transformation. We are largely falling within the objectives of the interdisciplinary commission 52 of the CNRS.
- Bruno Collas, Professeur (AgroParisTech)
- Ambroise de Montbel, (AgroParisTech)
- Jean-Marc Douguet, maitre de conférences (UVSQ)
- Juan Fernandez, chercheur (CNRS)
- Nathalie Frascaria-Lacoste, Professeur (AgroParisTech)
- François Léger, IR (AgroParisTech)
- Sébastien Ollier, maitre de conférences (UPSay)
- Samuel Roturier, maitre de conférences (AgroParisTech)
- Anne-Charlotte Vaissiere, (CNRS)
- Améline Vallet, IPEF (AgroParisTech)