Franck Courchamp wins the Emile Blutet Prize- Fondation Paul Louis Doistau


Franck Courchamp wins the Emile Blutet Prize- Fondation Paul Louis Doistau

Franck COURCHAMP, CNRS   Research Director at the Ecologie Systématique et Evolution laboratory, has been awarded the Prix Emile Blutet - Fondation Paul Louis Doistau by the French Academy of Sciences   , in recognition of his many achievements in scientific communication and popularization.

A specialist in population dynamics and the impact of global warming on biodiversity, Franck Courchamp is the author of several reports for intergovernmental panels such as the IPCC   and IPBES   , and is also very active in communications with books, documentaries and interviews.

Franck Courchamp is the author of three books and over 230 international publications, and is one of the world’s most highly cited scientists in his field.

He currently heads a research team on biodiversity dynamics and human impacts on ecosystems and species at Université Paris Saclay   . Elected to the European Academy of Sciences, he has received numerous distinctions, including the Médaille d’argent du CNRS   and the Grand Prix de la Société française d’écologie et évolution   .

The Emile Blutet grant is intended to reward one or more authors of a popular scientific work less than 10 years old.