Hybrid performance in maize: from the study of complementarity between heterotic groups to genomic prediction
Thesis defense
Aurélien Beugnot, Doctoral School #581, agriculture, food, biology, environnement, health (ABIES)
IDEEV Building - Rosalind Franklin Room
Thesis prepared within the GQE research unit(s), Quantitative Genetics and Selection Methodology team ( Quantitative Genetics and Plant Breeding Methodology ), under the supervision of Laurence Moreau, Senior scientist, co-supervision of Julie Fiévet, Lecturer, and the joint supervision of Alain Charcosset, and Tristan Mary-Huard, Senior scientists.
- Christine Dillmann, Professor, Université Paris-Saclay, Chairwoman
- Jacques DAVID, Professor, L’institut Agro Montpellier, Rapporteur
- Vincent SEGURA, Scientist, INRAE (centre Occitanie-Montpellier), Rapporteur
- Guillaume RAMSTEIN, Lecturer, Aarhus University, Examiner