GQE - Génétique Quantitative et Evolution
UMR Quantitative Genetics and Evolution-Le Moulon is a member of the “Institute Diversité, Écologie et Évolution du Vivant” (IDEEV). The UMR welcomes scientists from four different French research institutes and universities : INRAE (UMR0320), UPSay , CNRS (UMR8120) and AgroParisTech . GQE-Le Moulon works on evolution and quantitative genetics and develops both theoritical models and applied experiments on plants and yeasts. Our lab therefore constitutes a significant training pole in these domains.
Biologie de l’Adaptation et Systèmes en Évolution
01/01/0001 - GQE
Modélisation de la variation quantitative et de son évolution, en intégrant les niveaux génétique, moléculaire, génomique, métabolique et environnemental.
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Diversity, Evolution and Adaptation of Populations
01/01/0001 - GQE
Study of the genetic basis of plant-plant interactions; dynamic management of cultivated biodiversity and its relevance for innovative sustainable agro-ecosystems; participatory selection.
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Genetics, Evolution and Ecology of the Floral Morphology
01/01/0001 - GQE
Evolution of mechanisms underlying the morphological diversity of flowers with a focus on petals and the symmetry of the perianth. Role of perianth diversity for adaptation and speciation.
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Genomics, Evolution and Adaptation of Domesticated plants
01/01/0001 - GQE
Investigating the mechanisms that have accompanied the evolution of crops from their domestication to their diffusion and adaptation to a diversity of environments
Read more…Quantitative Genetics and Plant Breeding Methodology
01/01/0001 - GQE
Study of the genetic architecture of complex traits and mechanisms of response to selection, analysis of diversity in collections and experimental populations. Optimizing genetic resource management and selection process.
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