Finding landscapes that allow species to move as a response to climate change
Yoan Fourcade, Université Paris-Est Créteil
IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin
As global temperatures continue to rise, many species are shifting their distributional range to keep up with changing climate conditions. However, in human-dominated landscapes, habitat fragmentation can limit their ability to disperse. To address this challenge, it is crucial to manage landscapes in ways that facilitate species’ movement towards habitats that become suitable as a result of climate change.
In this seminar, I will present several case studies that illustrate how landscape structure can be a strong determinant of whether species and communities can adequately respond to temperature changes. Specifically, I will highlight the importance of long-term monitoring programs in providing clear evidence of how insect species are affected from certain types of landscape structures.
Additionally, I will discuss the interactive effects of climate change and human modification of landscapes on a variety of animal taxa, using existing unstructured databases as an alternative source of biodiversity information.
Finally, moving towards a predictive approach, I will show how connectivity models can be used to identify the key existing habitats for species movement under climate change, and to design scenarios of ecosystem restoration or creation for improving climate connectivity.
For more information about Yoan’s research you can visit his personal webpage .