Les journées IDEEV 2025 - First day
Bâtiment Henri-Moissan, auditorium Olivier Kahn, ground floor main building HM2
Please bring your own glass/cup/mug and fork, knife and spoon
9:30 - 10:45 : SESSION 1 Chair : Diala Abu Awad (GQE)
9:30 - 9:40 2 FLASH TALKS
- Loreleï BOYER (ESE) : Gene loss in the mating-type chromosomes of anther-smut fungi
- Yuqi NIE (GQE) : On the pear domestication: Insight from Population Genomics
9:40 - 10:40 3 TALKS
- Raphaël MINGUELLA (GQE) : Using targeted sequencing on DNA pools to characterize haplotypic diversity in maize landraces and compare it with modern varieties
- Ricardo Rodriguez de la Vega (ESE) : Tempo of degeneration across independently evolved non-recombining regions
- Ines MATROUGUI (EGCE) : Exploring the determinants of polydnavirus chromosomal integration across hosts-parasitoïd wasps systems
10:40 - 11:15 : COFFEE BREAK
11:15 - 12:30 : SESSION 2 - Chair : Jacqui Shykoff (IDEEV)
11:15 - 11:25 2 FLASH TALKS
- Lohan VALADARES (EGCE) : The neuroplasticity of division of labour in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex subterraneus
- Thomas Sylvestre MICHAU (GQE) : Identification of cis-regulatory elements involved in maize response to water deficit
11:25 - 12:30 4 TALKS
- Alizée DELARUE (EGCE) : Chemosensory evolution at the origin of inquilinism in the bee louse fly (Braula coeca)
- Mélisande Blein-Nicolas (GQE) : Integration of phenomic, proteomic, and genomic data into a multi-scale network unravels missing heritability for maize response to water deficit
- Elsa DE FILIPPO (ESE) : Recombination suppression around the mating-type locus in the Schizothecium tetrasporum species complex
- Kristina PROKINA (ESE) : Refurbishing the marine parasitoid order Pirsoniales with newly (re) described marine and freshwater free-living predators
12:30 - 13:50 : LUNCH BUFFET
13:50 - 14:00 : GROUP PICTURE
14:00 - 15:00 : SESSION 3 - Chair : Kristina Prokina (ESE)
14:00 - 14:10 2 FLASH TALKS
- Diala Abu Awad (GQE)
- Frédéric Marion-Poll (EGCE) : High-throughput behavioral tests to monitor feeding choices in drosophila
14:10 - 15:00 3 TALKS
- Jazmin BLAZ (ESE)
- Pierre-Olivier MAQUART (EGCE) : Experience of insects as biorefining factories: The case of the Black Soldier Fly
- Pierre VERON (ESE) : Predicting the time it takes to speciate
15:00 - 15:30 : COFFEE BREAK
15:30 - 16:45 : SESSION 4 - Chair : Pierre VERON (ESE)
15:30 - 15:40 2 FLASH TALKS
- Ana GUTTIEREZ (ESE) : Living in an arsenic-rich geothermal ecosystem
- Stéphane Nicolas (GQE) : MineLandDiv project
15:40 - 16:45 4 TALKS
- Arnaud Le Rouzic (EGCE) : Evolution of gene expression plasticity
- Elise LUCOTTE (ESE) : Sex chromosome evolution in humans
- Alice NAMIAS (ESE) : Repeated evolution of HD genes in Microbotryum fungi
- Bledina DEDE (ESE) : Microbial ecology of geothermally active lakes across a salinity gradient