Les journées IDEEV 2022 - 1ère journée

École Centrale, Bâtiment Eiffel, Auditorium Michelin
Thursday December 1st: École Centrale, Bâtiment Eiffel, Auditorium Michelin
- 9h00: Welcome & IDEEV community (Photo board, Website, Journal Clubs). J. Shykoff (10’), E. Verrier/B. Albert (5’) & O. Langella (5’) & A. Le Rouzic/D. Abu Awad (5’)
9h30 : Session 1
- Chair: Xavier Aubriot (ESE)
- 9h30: TL: Biodiversity in urban lansdcapes: plant, pollinator and domestic cats (E. Baudry & Carmen Bessa Gomes, ESE)
- 10h15 - TC: Botascopia, a new knowledge base on the plants of Metropolitan France (S. Nadot/X. Aubriot ESE)
- 10h30 - TF: Taste coding and its modulation in the brain of the honey bee Apis mellifera (M. Pitzalis EGCE)
- 10h35 - TF: Development of crop pests at fluctuating temperatures: experimental and mathematical modeling approaches (B. Regnier EGCE/S. Revillon GQE)
- 10h40 - TF: Human dimensions of biodiversity conservation (U. Arbieu ESE)
- 10h45 - TC: Large and dynamic transposable elements in cheese fungi (S. O’Donnell ESE)
11h00: PAUSE
11h20: Session 2
- Chair: Taia Fortuna (EGCE)
- 11h20 - TC: Evolution of an olfactory subsystem and its link with the multiple emergences of eusociality in Hymenoptera (S. Marty EGCE)
- 11h35 - TC: The fate of a suppressed X-linked meiotic driver: experimental evolution in Drosophila simulans (P. Gérard GQE)
- 11h50 - TF: Winter ecology of honey bees (E. Minaud EGCE)
- 11h55 - TF: Genome dynamics and molecular evolution of chemosensory receptors in Chagas disease vectors of the genus Rhodnius (M. Merle EGCE)
- 12h - TF: Bayesian joint-regression analysis of on-farm trials using the student distribution (M. Turbet Delof GQE)
- 12h05 - TC: A new theory for the evolution of sex chromosomes (T. Giraud ESE)
- 12h20 - TC: Keeping cool during drought: access to subsoil water relaxes water stress in a temperate deciduous forest (N. Delpierre ESE)
14h: Session 3
- Chair: Laura Eme (ESE)
- 14h00: Conférence en français tout public - TL: Titre (F. Requier)
- 14h45 - TF: Genomic basis and evolutionary mechanisms of a recurrent case of ecological speciation in Drosophila (E. Ferreira EGCE)
- 14h50 - TF: The revegetation of lands transformed by development projects (A. Mayeur ESE)
- 14h55 - TF: Effects of pyrethroids on honey bee olfactory perception, learning and processing (L. Colin-Duchevet EGCE)
- 15h - TC: TBD (T. Flutre/J. Enjalbert GQE)
- 15h15 - TC: Management and reintroduction of genetic diversity in breeding programs (A. Charcosset GQE)
- 15h30 - TC: The genome of the bee louse fly reveals deep convergences in the evolution of social inquilinism (H. Bastide EGCE)
- 15h45 - TF: Understanding the evolutionary processes of pathogenic mycobacteria to prevent the emergence of health hazard variants (A. Le Meur ESE)
- 15h50 - TF: Ecophysiological modelling of wood formation phenology in temperate and boreal forest trees (J. Lin ESE)
- 15h55 - TF: The puzzle of Drosophila saltans phylogeny (C. Prediger EGCE)
16h00: PAUSE
16h20: Session 4
- Chair: Maud Fagny (GQE)
- 16h20: TL: Ecology and genomics of fruit tree-pest interactions (A. Cornille GQE)
- 17h05 - TF: The search for olfactory receptors tuned to pheromones in the honey bee (B. Andreu EGCE)
- 17h10 - TF: Heterogeneous multi-layered network inference based on omics data integration in order to study maize drought response strategies (Y. Djabali GQE)
- 17h 15 - TF: Evaluation of the digestive efficiency in black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens), an insect of interest for the feed industry (J. Guillaume EGCE)
- 17h20 - TC: A MITE insertion abolishes the AP3-3 self-maintenance regulatory loop in apetalous flowers of Nigella damascena (N. Conde e Silva GQE)
- 17h35 - TC: Spatio-temporal variation and spatial synchrony in flight dates in two corn borers (A. Mouchet EGCE)