Clément Gilbert (EGCE) was interviewed by "The Scientist" on horizontal transfers.

Clément Gilbert (EGCE) was interviewed by “The Scientist” on horizontal transfers.


Clément Gilbert answered “The Scientist”, a web site about scientific divulgation, on horizontal transfers in eucaryotes. To read the …

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Journée Nationale de l'Agriculture

Journée Nationale de l’Agriculture


It was hot this friday, however the participation of IDEEV to the JNAgri friday the 17 th of June was a success. 2 classes of the “établissement …

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Arboresciences, an exhibition about autour tree and light.

Arboresciences, an exhibition about autour tree and light.


Claire Damesin (ESE) et les artistes photographes Audic-Rizk exposent jusqu’à mi-novembre à l’arboretum de Harcourt (Normandie) autour de l’arbre et …

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IDEEV days 2022


IDEEV days will be held the 1er of December (whole day) and the 2 of December (morning). During the 1 of December mainly conferences in english will be given. On the 2 of December posters will be displayed. THe session will end with a visit of the beehives of EGCE laboratory Honey will be tasted.

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RESAMA, le réseau d’Étude Sanitaire des Animaux Modèles et de la faune sauvage Aquatiques


The network RESAMA organised its two conference days at the beginning of September at the Collège de France. The metting was the occasion of fruitful discussions and presentations.

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