
VEGETATIO   : Come and discover the plants with new eyes! A interdisciplinary day around plants open to everyone will be held at the greenhouse …

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Cheese and genetic selection

Cheese and genetic selection


Tatiana Giraud and Jeanne Ropars (ESE) are implicated in the creation of a video dealing with issues on artificial selection made by humans on moulds …

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Ecology and invasive species

Ecology and invasive species


Franck Courchamp (ESE) was interviewed on Twitch on ecology and problems caused by invasive species.

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Colloquium Entomo2023

Colloquium Entomo2023


Colloque Entomo2023 The Entomo2023 colloquium aims at gathering the scientific commununity studying mainly insects predators and parasitoïds. …

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IdeeVerte – Faire face aux urgences environnementales


IdeeVerte Ce groupe, encore informel à ce stade, se donne pour objectifs de s’interroger sur ses pratiques et ses missions dans le cadre des urgences environnementales incluant son rôle sociétal. Qui : l’ensemble des personnes de l’Ideev et des laboratoires voisins, qui souhaitent accorder du temps …

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