*P. roqueforti*'s diversity needs help

P. roqueforti’s diversity needs help


Human beings domesticated dogs starting from wolves and also domesticated plants or yeasts to make wine and bier. He also domesticated molds to make …

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Evolution of sex chromosomes

Evolution of sex chromosomes


Un film de vulgarisation de 5 minutes expliquant le modèle récent permettant d’expliquer l’evolution des chromosomes sexuels chez les …

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Colloque ETEE2023

Colloque ETEE2023


Colloque ETEE2023   : inscription jusqu’au 5 septembre 2023. The deadline for ETEE 2023   registration and submission of abstract …

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Documentary "Insignificant" has been awarded two Special Prizes

Documentary “Insignificant” has been awarded two Special Prizes


Documentary “Insignificant” has been awarded two Special Prizes After two intense and inspiring days at the Deauville Green Awards …

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Biodiversa+ Prize for Excellence and Impact

Biodiversa+ Prize for Excellence and Impact


Project AlienScenarios won the Biodiversa+ Prize for Excellence and Impact Project AlienScenarios, in which BIOM team members were involved, is one of …

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