Béatrice ALBERT
last updated 16/11/2020
+33 (0)1 69 15 65 29
Diversité et évolution des plantes
UPSay, Lecturer
Evolution, Université Paris-Saclay
publications - orcid
My PhD and post-doctoral research activities concentrated on the evolution of genetic information. During my PhD, I was interested in the dynamics of the plant mitochondrial genome using experimental and theoretical approaches. This work was conducted at the Institute of Plant Biotechnology, and in the laboratory of Ecology, Systematics, and Evolution in Orsay (France). My post-doctoral research was conducted at the Centre de Génétique Moléculaire in Gif sur Yvette (France) and focused on the dynamics of the mitochondrial genome associated with senescence in a fungus, Podospora anserina.
Since 2001, I have been working in the Evo-Devo team of the lab Ecology, Systematics, and Evolution. I am interested in the evolution of form (Evo-Devo). We study the diversity of pollen grain morphologies, in particular the apertural pattern. The apertural pattern is defined as the number and position of apertures on the surface of pollen grains. My research aims at understanding how different aperture patterns may be built, specifically which developmental mechanisms determine the aperture pattern. I also try to understand the implication of selection and constraints on development, and on the different aperture patterns.
I have taught genetics, molecular biology, cellular biology, population genetics, statistics and French in several Universities (Paris-Saclay, Paris-Sud, Paris XIII, Paris VII and Sussex-UK). The main courses I am involved in as an Assistant Professor at Paris-Saclay University are: population genetics for undergraduates, statistics in medicine studies and master courses.
- Albert B. , Matamoro-Vidal A., Prieu C., Nadot S., Till-Bottraud I., Ressayre A., Gouyon PH.. (2022) A Review of the Developmental Processes and Selective Pressures Shaping Aperture Pattern in Angiosperms. Plants, 3 (11) 357