GEE - Evolutionary genetics and ecology

 01/01/0001 -  ESE
GEE conducts research in genetics, genomics, ecology and evolution. We are interested in fungal, bacterial, insect, plant and bird ecology and evolution, in species interactions (in particular plant-parasite interactions) and in the evolutionary genomics of adaptation.

Head :
Tatiana Giraud (CNRS)

Evolutionary genetics and ecology

GEE conducts research in genetics, genomics, ecology and evolution. We are interested in fungal, bacterial, insect, plant and bird ecology and evolution, in species interactions (in particular plant-parasite interactions) and in the evolutionary genomics of adaptation.

We aim at understanding how species and populations adapt to their environment and we want to identify the underlying genes and processes. Our biological models include plant pathogenic fungi, domesticated fungi involved in making cheese and dry-cured meat, bacterial pathogens of humans (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), apple trees, Arabidopsis and its enemies, as well as birds and their associated microbes.


  • Tatiana Giraud, DR CNRS (CNRS)
  • Juergen Kroymann, Senior Research Scientist (CNRS)
  • Amandine Labat, Tech Agro Paris Tech (AgroParisTech)
  • Anders moller, chercheur (CNRS)
  • Ricardo Rodriguez de la Vega, IR CNRS (CNRS)
  • Jeanne Ropars, CR CNRS (CNRS)
  • Jacqui Shykoff, Senior Research Scientist (CNRS)


  • Ament-Velásquez SL., Vogan AA., Wallerman O., Hartmann FE., Gautier V., Silar P., Giraud T. , Johannesson H., Ma LJ.. (2024) High-Quality Genome Assemblies of 4 Members of the Podospora anserina Species Complex. Genome Biology and Evolution, 3 (16) evae034
  • Fountain‐Jones NM., Giraud T. , Zinger L., Bik H., Creer S., Videvall E.. (2024) Molecular ecology of microbiomes in the wild: Common pitfalls, methodological advances and future directions. Molecular Ecology, 2 (33) e17223
  • Jay P., Jeffries D., Hartmann FE., Véber A., Giraud T. . (2024) Why do sex chromosomes progressively lose recombination?. Trends Genet, 7 (40) 564-579
  • Lucotte EA., Jay P., Rougemont Q., Boyer L., Cornille AA., Snirc A., Labat A. , Chahine E., Duhamel M., Gendelman J., Ma WJ., Hayes RK., Perlin MH., Hood M., Rodriguez de la Vega R. , Giraud T. . (2024) Repeated loss of function at HD mating-type genes and of recombination suppression without mating-type locus linkage in anther-smut fungi. bioRxiv, 2024.03.03.583181
  • Timmis K., Hallsworth JE., McGenity TJ., Armstrong R., Colom MF., Karahan ZC., Chavarría M., Bernal P., Boyd ES., Ramos JL., Kaltenpoth M., Pruzzo C., Clarke G., López‐Garcia P., Yakimov MM., Perlmutter J., Greening C., Eloe‐Fadrosh E., Verstraete W., Nunes OC., Kotsyurbenko O., Nikel PI., Scavone P., Häggblom MM., Lavigne R., Le Roux F., Timmis JK., Parro V., Michán C., García JL., Casadevall A., Payne SM., Frey J., Koren O., Prosser JI., Lahti L., Lal R., Anand S., Sood U., Offre P., Bryce CC., Mswaka AY., Jores J., Kaçar B., Blank LM., Maaßen N., Pope PB., Banciu HL., Armitage J., Lee SY., Wang F., Makhalanyane TP., Gilbert JA., Wood TK., Vasiljevic B., Soberón M., Udaondo Z., Rojo F., Tamang JP., Giraud T. , Ropars J. , Ezeji T., Müller V., Danbara H., Averhoff B., Sessitsch A., Partida‐Martínez LP., Huang W., Molin S., Junier P., Amils R., Wu XL., Ron E., Erten H., De Martinis ECP., Rapoport A., Öpik M., Pokatong WDR., Stairs C., Amoozegar MA., Serna JG.. (2024) A concept for international societally relevant microbiology education and microbiology knowledge promulgation in society. Microbial Biotechnology, 5 (17) e14456
  • Crequer E., Ropars J. , Jany JL., Caron T., Coton M., Snirc A., Vernadet JP., Branca A., Giraud T. , Coton E.. (2023) A new cheese population in Penicillium roqueforti and adaptation of the five populations to their ecological niche. Evolutionary Applications, 8 (16) 1438-1457
  • Jay P., Tezenas E., Véber A., Giraud T. , Hurst LD.. (2022) Sheltering of deleterious mutations explains the stepwise extension of recombination suppression on sex chromosomes and other supergenes. PLoS Biol, 7 (20) e3001698