last updated 01/01/0001 -

Diversité et évolution des plantes
01/01/0001 - ESE
The DEP team conducts fundamental research in the field of plant evolution, at scales ranging from the population (micro-evolutionary scale) to flowering plants (angiosperms) as a whole (macro-evolutionary scale)
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Ecological trajectories and society
01/01/0001 - ESE
The research team Ecological TrajectorieS & Society (TESS) studies the interactions between ecological processes and the organization of human societies within social-ecological systems (SES). Our approaches are interdisciplinary, ranging from classical methods in ecology, to methods used in anthropology and economics.
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01/01/0001 - EGCE
In the department "Evolution and behaviour" our research is about diversity and evolution of food, locomotary, sexual and social bahaviour in model species of animals, insects and fishes.
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Evolution and ecology
01/01/0001 - EGCE
In the “Evolution and ecology” department our research focus on global change impact on diversity, abundance and ecology of insects in the framework of food and public health security.
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01/01/0001 - EGCE
The team “Evolution and genomes” is interested in the evolution of the structure and function of genomes, at the organisms or populations or species scale.
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Evolutionary genetics and ecology
01/01/0001 - ESE
GEE conducts research in genetics, genomics, ecology and evolution. We are interested in fungal, bacterial, insect, plant and bird ecology and evolution, in species interactions (in particular plant-parasite interactions) and in the evolutionary genomics of adaptation.
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