
 last updated 27/04/2022 -  IDEEV

Structure and Evolution of Chromosome in Fungi

Structure and Evolution of Chromosome in Fungi

 19/07/2024 -  GQE

Study of modes of reproduction in hemiascomycetes yeast, and importance in the evolutionary history of Candida glabrata. Population genomics, comparative and functional genomics. Adaptation of yeast to their environment.

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Biodiversity dynamics and macro-ecology

Biodiversity dynamics and macro-ecology

 30/05/2023 -  ESE

The BioDyM team’s researches focus on diverse topics, all related to large-scale biodiversity conservation facing the impacts of human activities. We are particularly interested in the consequences of climate change and biological invasions on biodiversity, with a particular attention for island ecosystems.

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Diversité et évolution des plantes

Diversité et évolution des plantes

 18/11/2022 -  ESE

The DEP team conducts fundamental research in the field of plant evolution, at scales ranging from the population (micro-evolutionary scale) to flowering plants (angiosperms) as a whole (macro-evolutionary scale)

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Ecological trajectories and society

Ecological trajectories and society

 07/12/2022 -  ESE

The research team Ecological TrajectorieS & Society (TESS) studies the interactions between ecological processes and the organization of human societies within social-ecological systems (SES). Our approaches are interdisciplinary, ranging from classical methods in ecology, to methods used in anthropology and economics.

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Evolution and behaviour

 04/02/2021 -  EGCE

In the department "Evolution and behaviour" our research is about diversity and evolution of food, locomotary, sexual and social bahaviour in model species of animals, insects and fishes.

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Evolution and ecology

Evolution and ecology

 03/07/2021 -  EGCE

In the “Evolution and ecology” department our research focus on global change impact on diversity, abundance and ecology of insects in the framework of food and public health security.

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