Navigation in challenging habitats: multisensory orientation and neuronal plasticity in desert ants

 Prof. Wolfgang Rössler, Université de Würzburg, Allemagne
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin

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People and Conservation Translocations

People and Conservation Translocations

 Sarah Crowley, University of Exeter, UK
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin
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Convergences and divergences between species in sympatry: the case of Morpho butterflies

Convergences and divergences between species in sympatry: the case of Morpho butterflies

 Vincent Debat, MNHN, Paris
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin
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Relative roles of Wolbachia and host genetic backgrounds in driving cytoplasmic incompatibility in the invasive pest, Drosophila suzukii

 Nicolas Rode, CBGP, Montpellier
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin

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Agroecological Genomics and participatory research to understand co-adaptation between species and genotypes in mixtures

 Chiara Santamarina, UNIVPM, Ancona, Italy
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin

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Using digital data to understand and monitor emerging wildlife markets

Using digital data to understand and monitor emerging wildlife markets

 Jérôme Gippet, Dept of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin
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