How jumping genes pump up diversity

 Leandro Quadrana, IPS2, France
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin

Transposable elements (TEs) are ubiquitous DNA sequences that can ‘jump’ from one place on a genome to another. Previously thought to be junk DNA, TEs are now widely recognized as powerful engines of genome evolution, as evidenced by their involvement in the rewiring of gene regulatory …

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Classical approaches to Science and Ethics: Are they sufficient to face Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss?

 Karen Houle, philosopher, Professor at the University of Guelph (Canada)
 IDEEV - Salle Rachel Carson

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Root trait plasticity for pearl millet adaptation to drought

 Alexandre Grondin, IRD Montpellier, France
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin

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 Bertrand Servin, GenPhySE, INRAe Toulouse
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin

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The ecological politics of animal management

The ecological politics of animal management

 Sarah L. Crowley, University of Exeter, UK
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin
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From the Himalayan foothills to the Mediterranean basin, what knowledge of the evolutionary history and natural diversity of the apricot tree brings us

 Véronique Decroocq, Fruit Biology and Pathology research unit, INRAE Bordeaux
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin

Since its domestication 2,000 to 3,000 years ago in Central Asia, the apricot tree has adapted to diverse and varied environments, from the Middle East to the Caucasus, then around the Mediterranean in the West, and to the borders of East Asia. Despite their similar characteristics, these apricot …

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