Les journées IDEEV 2022 - 2ème journée

Les journées IDEEV 2022 - 2ème journée

 IDEEV, Carson room and hall
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Les journées IDEEV 2022 - 1ère journée

Les journées IDEEV 2022 - 1ère journée

 École Centrale, Bâtiment Eiffel, Auditorium Michelin
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Scientific mediation activities carried out by the SPS network

 Pierre Hilson and Océane Durand
 IDEEV - Salle Rosalind Franklin

The Plants and Society working group of the Saclay Plant Sciences Network (SPS) develops scientific mediation activities for students and the general public. These activities aim to explain the biology of plants and their impacts on our societies. They also illustrate how the research carried out in …

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Genomic contributors of speciation: insights from nascent species boundaries

 Silu WANG (University of California, Berkeley)
 GQE-Le Moulon

Résumé What genomic mechanisms are shaping the boundaries of diverging lineages is becoming the central question in speciation genomics. Here we addressed this question in a nascent warbler species complex in the Pacific West. With cross-time periods sampling, genomic analyses, and behavioral …

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ANNULÉ - The same, yet different: gene expression variability between genetically identical plants

 Sandra CORTIJO, BPMP, Montpellier
 GQE-Le Moulon

Le séminaire est annulé, veuillez nous excuser Résumé A fundamental question in biology is how gene expression is regulated to give rise to a given phenotype. However, transcriptional variability, or noise, is rarely explored and could strongly influence the relationship between genotype and …

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Experimental study of the evolution of recombination

 Tom PARÉE, Institut de Biologie École Normale Supérieure, Paris
 GQE-Le Moulon

Pour rejoindre la conférence, veuillez vous identifier en indiquant NOM, prénom, labo, SVP. Abstract There are important variations in meiotic recombination between and within species. Despite recent studies, there is a lack of empirical data to understand how different recombination maps affect …

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